September 25 2010 6 25 /09 /September /2010 07:26

deria.jpgThat's the picture of Deria. As she hasn't got her own Blog only a Homepage she asked us to publish it for her.

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September 24 2010 5 24 /09 /September /2010 22:02

Schlaf11Today DJ and Muffin have published their pictures. Quick throw an eye on their Blog.

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September 24 2010 5 24 /09 /September /2010 17:02

psb2.jpgHere we go.  Emil has alreddy published some pictures. In the Top of my Blog you can see who has joined. And what about you?




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September 23 2010 4 23 /09 /September /2010 19:10


Hi mates. I was thinking as there is plenty of time left to the " Wichteling Project" we could do a little game in the meanwhile.

Theme of the game is " ingenious sleeping positions"

The rules are as always:

Just till October 3rd you need to place your best sleeping pictures on your Blog and send me a message so that I can mention it on my Blog. Voting is from October 4th till 8th. Winner will be who posted the funniest picture. Of course the winner gets a little surprise.

Furthermore I hope that "ALL" of you will join this game. This time I want to hear no excuses like " we do not do that" or " we are not allowed to do so". As we all like to sleep.

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September 21 2010 2 21 /09 /September /2010 11:10

sommer43.jpgI've got mail from Berlin. Momo und Isi have send me a card. That's one again for  my  card wall. Everytime I get one I'm so happy. Thank you dear friends.

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September 18 2010 6 18 /09 /September /2010 10:44

sommer42.jpgI've got mail from Nero und Murphy. I loooooove to get mail. Thank you very much mates.

By the way, I should tell you that we never go on holiday because we live the whole year in a "holiday paradise". We would also like to send a few cards, but we don't have  all addresses, so if you want to have a picture postcard send your address to And write a comment to this article.

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September 17 2010 5 17 /09 /September /2010 08:54


Since DJ Mom's has left, everything comes back again into his old routine. But if you're thinking now that they would spend the extra time with me, you are only partly right. It like this, "they" are constantly around and indulge in the "dolce vita" and I must be adjacent. I've had enough. I dig a tunnel. Sweet Freedom, I am coming. Crap the property is built on rocks..

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September 15 2010 3 15 /09 /September /2010 14:56

dj6.jpgAunt Susan has left, she's gone back to DJ and now ..................... now the Can-Openers are mine ........ HAHAHAHAHA ............. HAHAHAHAHA ........... HAHAHAHAHA .......... HAHAHAHAHA .....  HAHAHAHA 

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September 14 2010 2 14 /09 /September /2010 15:32


"They" were all week on the road and I was allowed to stay home. And not enough of the torture they have always switched off  the computer. What should this be? How can I be creative, if "they" run around permanent and empty the wine stockage of France?

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September 12 2010 7 12 /09 /September /2010 07:42

dj5.jpgThere should be a picture of me and Maxim. You remember, the dude from my neighborhood. °Now he is about six months old and I can play with him. And here it comes. Yesterday I went over there to play with him. But he could not. And now, hold on tight ...... the reason they told us sounds like an April Fool's joke. Statement: "He is chained and can not get out, because (WARNING), he would have the" HEAT "."
On Daddies insidious demand, what  that
would be, the answer: "That's when a Labrador after six months suddenly feels the need immediately to amake an other female  dog  happy. Whether she is in the mood or not. So he must be on leash for this time . And how does she now  that that is heat over? Unfortunately, she was not open to any other opinion.  I say on this subject of only one thing: BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA

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