March 2 2011 3 02 /03 /March /2011 23:01



Project12 stands for something beautiful around your hometown. Take your pictures write down your words and publish it once per month. Whenever you like whatever you like. Trees - flowers - buildings - or just simply stones. There are  no frontiers set to your mind. You can publish it on your Blog from the first till the last of every month. Everything is possible. Don't forget to tell me and I will put a notice on my Blog so everyone will know. Have fun.


Pro12   Emil was the first to publish his post. Enya and the Tibis have also published.

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March 1 2011 2 01 /03 /March /2011 23:02


Hi mates. I would like to create a new game. Let's call it  "Project 12".  That means one post per month of something nice around where you live so other mates would see how lovely it is in your hometown. Are you willing to play ?

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March 1 2011 2 01 /03 /March /2011 15:17


Hi mates. When did you take yourself a bit of time to read Blogs from the beginning. You wouldn't  beleave how much fun this is. Lately ther are some of us having difficulties in their lifes which slows our fantasies down so we don't get many good ideas to write. Then we found out how funny and amusing some of the old stories are. We couldn't stop laughing while reading for example the Blog of Emil, Lotte, DJ and many more. We also recognized with how many love diese Blogs are made. We want to thank you therefore and wish you a lot of fun while repeating them.

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February 26 2011 6 26 /02 /February /2011 21:52


enya.jpgHer name is Merry Dancers' Enchanting Eithna [=Enya] and she is a three year old  Irish Terrier . Welcome Enya and let us participate at your stories.

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February 25 2011 5 25 /02 /February /2011 09:45

Murphy.jpgToday is the birthday of my mate Murphy. We wish you Many Happy Returns.

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February 24 2011 4 24 /02 /February /2011 10:24


Cool that there is neither fish nor ship so I can goof a bit around. It's less cold. Imean here not where we live. There it's - let's call it frosty. Uhhhh and GRRRRRRRRRRR

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February 22 2011 2 22 /02 /February /2011 10:16





Today is the birthday of Carry and Ebby. We wish you many HAPPY RETURNS.

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February 20 2011 7 20 /02 /February /2011 21:00


First of all I want to thank you for all your offers to help us. The next thing this idi did was to walk behind mom and to tell her that it would be the best for her to accept his offer as lawyers  were too expensive. So mom told him she won't mind as we have got a very good  juristcal insurance. So he set her back to a limt of 25 hours work per month. And now he tries to make noise from 6 o'clock in the morning till half past midnight. Like using the washing machine from 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning and moving his furniture. Same from noon to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. In the meanwhile she is running around with high heels and playing with an electrical toy car on a tile floor without isolation. Well, also he has to learn some day that he needs to respect the law too. My lawyer will help him to find out. And maybe he has forgotten that Napoleon has lost his battle against the Tyrolians.

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February 19 2011 6 19 /02 /February /2011 09:54


Today the new campside owner told us that he wants us to move out of our flat as he needs it for his employee. When whe told him that also mom would be his employee and has an unlimited contract he told us that he would not care. And if we will not move out right just now he will end also that contract. But as he is sooooo nice he would propose us a mobile home of 27 sqm instead of our flat with 100sqm. When we asked him what we should do with our furniture he answerd he does not care.  Funny that always the French owner think that there does not exist any law for them and they can do anything they want. We suggested to contact our lawyer. That's what I call ridiculous.

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February 16 2011 3 16 /02 /February /2011 23:01


Today mom came in with a big envelope. I was so surprised as chrismas is over also my birthday and its too soon for Easter.But I was allowed to unpack the goodies.


That was in the envelope from Nero and Murphy. Goodies a Greating Card the Certificate  for the game we played some weeks ago and a booklet with all the stories which were written to that game. Thank you mates for doing such a good job and the lot of work you had.

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