July 7 2010 3 07 /07 /July /2010 12:51

Glueck.jpgThis year,  I do feel really good. There is still much water in the mountains. Mom likes it less. She thinks it would be too wet, and of course it would rain too often. I like the water, but only in nature. At home she gave me a larger plastic tub filled with clean water.  I'm not purely voluntary to get inside. But Ionce I'm in, I sit down and make so the water again more consumer-friendly. If you taste it then, you can still imagine the pond. An invitation each time to take a hit.

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<br /> <br /> That is a furry good plan woo have!<br /> <br /> <br /> Hugz&Khysses,<br /> Khyra<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />